
Here are some of the most common questions that we are asked at Replica swisswatch.com. If you should have any other queries regarding our watches, please don't hesitate to reach us by using the Contact Us page on our website.
Why would I want to purchase a replica from Replica swisswatch.com?

There may be many reasons:

  1. You want a genuine Rolex / Breitling watch, but the price is too ridiculous
  2. You want to impress your friends or business clients
  3. You want to keep your original safe, while using the replica for daily wear and tear

The main reason why you should select to purchase from Replicaswisswatch.com is because it is almost impossible to tell the difference between our replicas and the real thing.

Our finely crafted replicas are created with the utmost care, and using only state of the art workmanship and finishing. The result is a timepiece that is guaranteed to be meticulous in its finish, and impeccable in style and quality.

Are all replicas on the internet the same?

There are many different grades for replicas, ranging from the lowest quality to the top quality triple AAA+ timepieces.

At Replica swiss watch, we take care to only select the highest of grades. Our replicas use identical materials and finishing to the original brand name timepieces, such as genuine Sapphire Crystal, genuine solid stainless steel, and 99.9% accurate markings, finish and weight.

Exquisite Replicas carries only the Grade AAA+ timepieces, and we back this up with our iron-clad warranty and customer satisfaction guarantee policy.

Are the watches water-resistant?

Yes, all our watches are water-resistant. Low quality replicas will never hold up under water. Get caught in the rain once, and it is as good as gone. While our replicas are not meant to be worn for swimming or diving, our watches will not be damaged in water, so long as the crown is tightly closed.

Will the materials on your watches ever fade?

Not on our stainless steel watches. All our replica watches are crafted from one solid block of genuine full, SOLID stainless steel. This is exactly the same way a genuine brand timepiece is crafted. As such, no fading or wear will occur, unlike lower grade replicas which are only stainless steel coated, and will show signs of fading with wear.

How sharp are the fonts on the face?

The fonts on the face or dial of the watch are all laser etched, accurate and extremely sharp. No one can ever tell the difference by just looking at them. Check out our close-up pictures and see for yourself.

Are the pictures on your site taken of the actual replica, or of the genuine watch?

You may be pleasantly surprised and amazed at some of the pictures we have on our website. Because of the quality of the pictures, you might be mistaken into thinking that these are catalog pictures of the genuine watch. However, that is NOT true!

Professional photographers are used to take pictures of the actual replicas that we have for sale. The watches look exactly as represented in the pictures, and what you see is exactly what you will receive.

If you find the quality of the watches impeccable in the pictures, that is because the timepieces are of superlative quality - Replica swiss watch takes great care to only offer the finest timepieces on the market.

How safe is ordering from your site?

Our site uses the most updated and encrypted software. We can guarantee you that ordering from our site is safer than ordering in real life. All of your personal information is secured using 124 bit encryption programs.

What is the cost of shipping?

Shipping is a flat fee of $29, regardless of the numbers of watches purchased. International shipments would be an additional $10.

What is the shipping time?

Exquisite Replicas uses shipment via reputable courier delivery companies, such as FEDEX, UPS, DHL and EMS Speedpost.

Depending on your location, delivery would take approximately 6-8 business days. International deliveries should take 8-12 business days.

For all orders, delivery is 100% guaranteed - if you have any questions with regards to an order you placed, please don't hesitate to contact us.